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Description: ftp源代码。大名鼎鼎的嵌入式操作系统vxworks的完整的源代码,支持多种体系结构的嵌入式处理器,如arm,x86,i960,mc68k,mips,ppc,sparc等,包含完整的实时多任务处理及网络tcpip,dhcp,rip等协议,这里是Vxworks下的ftp源代码,-ftp source code. The famous VxWorks embedded operating system the integrity of the source code, support multiple architecture embedded processor, such as arm, x86, i960, mc68k, MIPS, machines, sparc, includes a complete real-time multi-task processing and network TCPIP, dhcp, etc. rip agreement here is the Vxworks ftp source code,
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 冯峰 | Hits:


Description: VxWORKS的BOOTP协议栈,大名鼎鼎的嵌入式操作系统vxworks的完整的源代码,支持多种体系结构的嵌入式处理器,如arm,x86,i960,mc68k,mips,ppc,sparc等,包含完整的实时多任务处理及网络tcpip,dhcp,rip等协议-VxWORKS the BOOTP protocol stack, the famous VxWorks embedded operating system the integrity of the source code, support multiple architecture embedded processor, such as arm, x86, i960, mc68k, MIPS, machines, sparc, includes a complete real-time multi-task processing and network TCPIP. dhcp, etc. rip agreement
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 冯峰 | Hits:


Description: vxworks bsp 的一个实际例子 完整工程-VxWorks BSP practical examples of a complete project
Platform: | Size: 620544 | Author: n8 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个用visual c++ 编写的通信程序, 完成与vxworks客户端的通信-This is a visual c prepared with the communications procedures, complete with VxWorks client communications
Platform: | Size: 4682752 | Author: qiqi | Hits:


Description: 这是46家著名IT公司的笔试题,有SONY,大唐,普天,华为,中软等等,曾有同学完成这些笔试题目后,一次笔试通过的,现已入职国内某著名IT公司。。。。。推荐看看吧-This is the famous 46 IT companies in the pen questions, SONY, Datang, Putian, Huawei, soft and so on. These students had to complete a written subject, written by one, has been the entry of a well-known domestic IT companies. . . . . Suggest watch it
Platform: | Size: 237568 | Author: Aslan | Hits:


Description: Vxworks 驱动的API参考,英文文档,但是内容齐全。-Vxworks-driven API reference, English documentation, but as complete.
Platform: | Size: 1290240 | Author: yan | Hits:


Description: This the USB source code for vxworks5.5. It has OSS library source code and also the complete target stack source code of vxworks -This the source code for USB vxworks5.5. It has OSS library source code and also the compl ete target stack source code of vxworks
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: jose | Hits:

[Software EngineeringVxWorks_introduce

Description: VxWorks操作系统的集成环境叫Tornado。Tornado集成环境提供了高效明晰的图形化的实时应用开发平台,它包括一套完整的面向嵌入式系统的开发和调测工具。Tornado环境采用主机-目标机交叉开发模型,应用程序在主机的Windows环境下编译链接生成可执行文件,下载到目标机,通过主机上的目标服务器(Target Server)与目标机上的目标代理(Target Agent)的通信完成对应用程序的调试、分析-VxWorks operating system called Tornado integrated environment. Tornado integrated environment for the efficient clarity of the graphics in real-time application development platform, It includes a complete set of embedded systems for the development and transfer measurement tools. Tornado environment using mainframe-target cross-development model aircraft, Application procedures in the host Windows environment compiler generating executable file link, download to the target machine, on the mainframe through the target server (Target Server) with the objective of the target machine Agents (Targ Agent et) completion of the communications application program debugging, analysis
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 刘军 | Hits:


Description: 还是嵌入式开发方面的, 也是完整的工程,直接编译-Or embedded development as well as complete projects, direct the compiler
Platform: | Size: 656384 | Author: adward | Hits:


Description: vxworks can 驱动,完成在etx-pm平台下双can的驱动,以及测试代码-vxworks can drive, complete the etx-pm dual-platform can drive, as well as the test code
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: zhaopengbo | Hits:


Description: vxworks视频教程,讲解了如何使用tornado开发应用程序的完整过程-VxWorks video tutorial explaining how to use the tornado to develop a complete application process
Platform: | Size: 1257472 | Author: 姜磊 | Hits:


Description: vxworks教程,讲解了如何使用tornado开发程序的完整过程-VxWorks tutorial explaining how to use the tornado to develop procedures for the complete process
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: 丁星 | Hits:


Description: vxworks的完整的源代码,需要用tornado建立开发环境,从而编译和阅读-VxWorks complete source code, need to establish a development environment, tornado, which compile and reading
Platform: | Size: 5228544 | Author: River Qin | Hits:


Description: VxWorks作为嵌入式实时操作系统的龙头老大,在国内应用已很广泛,其中包括工业控制、医疗设备、家庭视听、车载电子等许多需要本地显示的行业。作为国内的显示应用,汉字显示是必不可少的,而VxWorks原厂商没有直接提供完备的汉字显示的解决方案,本文就这个热点论题,通过对汉字编码连同VxWorks显示组件的分析,具体给出一种汉字显示的方案。-VxWorks embedded real-time operating system as the leader of a group in China has very broad applications, including industrial control, medical equipment, home audio, automotive electronics and many other needs of the local show business. As the display applications, Chinese characters display is essential, and VxWorks is not directly provided by the original manufacturers a complete solution of Chinese character display, this article on this hot topic, together with the coding of Chinese characters display VxWorks components analysis, give concrete a Chinese display program.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: Tom | Hits:


Description: Vxworks环境下,机床界面开发的完整工程。 -Vxworks environment, a complete machine interface development project.
Platform: | Size: 3513344 | Author: zhoaliang | Hits:


Description: vxworks操作系统的源代码,包括完整的代码程序。-VxWorks operating system source code, including the complete code procedures.
Platform: | Size: 10162176 | Author: 卓儿A丫儿 | Hits:


Description: vxworks5.5.1源代码。完整源代码,是学习vxworks的好资料。-vxworks5.5.1 source code. Complete source code, is good information to learn vxworks.
Platform: | Size: 10738688 | Author: maying | Hits:


Description: ATMEL公司提供的AT91系列的测试代码,非常完全,包括norflash,Nandflash,MMC,USB等等,对开发非常有帮助-ATMEL Corporation AT91 series provided by the test code is very complete, including norflash, Nandflash, MMC, USB, etc., on the development of very helpful
Platform: | Size: 2918400 | Author: wjarjar | Hits:


Description: Vxworks多任务内核完成的功能是:实时调度,任务间通信及互斥。 其它功能则作为系统库围绕在内核周围,它们可根据需要进行剪裁-Vxworks complete multitasking kernel functions are: real-time scheduling, inter-task communication and mutual exclusion. Other features are as around the core system libraries around, they can be cut as needed
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: firs | Hits:


Description: VxWorks操作系统教程,从入门到高手(最全教程),千辛万苦找到,提供给学习者(VxWorks operating system tutorials, from the entry to the master (the most complete tutorial), hard to find, to provide learners.)
Platform: | Size: 2071552 | Author: Deffect | Hits:
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